Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Arkansas Winery's and Two Years Later

Today is our 2nd Anniversary. Since we are looking for a new home, we decided this year to save our money and not do a week-long vacation to a tropical paradise. Instead this past weekend, we made a short drive to Altus, Arkansas where there are 4 winery's. It isn't Hermann, but a fresh alternative.

We stayed in Eureka Springs, Arkansas on Saturday night. On Sunday, we went to Turpentine Creek, which is a sanctuary for Big Cats.

We finished our trip at the Onyx Cave. Steve was at this same cave with his family some 25 years ago.

One other piece of good news from the trip is about 15 minutes after Stephanie bought a statue of St. Joseph on eBay to bury upside down in our yard, we got a call from a realtor wanting to show our condo to a young guy for the second time! We are keeping our fingers crossed. It is down to our condo or 1 other and he will be making his offer to one of us in the next couple days.

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