Monday, April 28, 2008

Birds, Bikes & Baseball

So, the other night I went to the grocery store to buy some ground beef for the year’s inaugural hamburger on the grill. I spent a good 20 minutes making sure each one had the perfect blend of spices and marinade. Quite frankly, I was looking forward to eating them all day at work. Let me back up a bit and say that the cats have been spending a lot of time looking out the window and meowing at all the birds flying in our back yard. We have been scattering seed for about a week now, and noticed all kinds of different species flying around. Needless to say, as I was quite startled when I opened up the grill to light it and found this massive birds nest. At first glance, it scared the you-know-what out of me because I didn’t know what was going to jump out at me.

So I guess, I had pass on cooking the burgers on the grill. WARNING – DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME - So I opened the oven, laid our some aluminum foil on both the top and bottom racks, and cooked our burgers in the oven. The bottom layer of foil thankfully caught all the grease that was pouring off the burgers. I realized I was a mere minute or so away from condo-fire #2, so I had to abort my mission and finish them off in the microwave for about 30 seconds. I must say for all the effort put in making them, the burgers were pre-tttty tasty. And I saved the bird eggs from a firey grave.
Frankie Valli - Grease

I bought a mountain bike from Eric Huggins last week. I don't have a picture yet, but will post one soon. Here is a song in the mean time.
Queen - Bicycle Race

Yesterday, I made it to Royals game #3 with my good friend Chris, whom I haven’t seen since our wedding. Chris was able to score Dugout Suite seats. I have never been in these seats, but you know they must be good when you have this sign WARNING you upon entry.

Wow what great seats. Thanks Chris.

Final score: Blue Jays 5 Royals 2

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