Monday, March 31, 2008

"hello, world"

Hi Everybody and welcome to our first attempt blogging. I wanted our welcome post to be something a little more Rock & Roll than the 1974 Bell Laboratories internal memorandum by Brian Kernighan, "Programming in C: A Tutorial", but Stephanie thought "Hello, Hello HOLA!" was lame.

Anyway, we hope this is a good way to let everyone know what is going on in our lives and have a little fun at the same time. We'll post some mp3's from time to time of some of the tunes we are listening to, maybe give a concert review, or talk about the Royals or Chiefs. I am sure there will be a ton of pictures of Keller and Marty, but we also want to post friends and family stuff here and there too. Who knows come December you may even get a sneak preview of this years Christmas Card before it arrives in your sticky hands. Remember 2005's?

Here are a couple mp3's of some concerts we were at that same year...

The Samples - Did You Ever Look So Nice
Wakarusa Festival - Lawrence, KS - June 19, 2005

Keller Williams - Crater In The Backyard
Liberty Hall - Lawrence, KS - March 1, 2005